Friday, February 29, 2008

A Week with Wee Ones

I'm a trained middle school teacher, so when I was asked to sub for the week in a 3-year-old preschool class, I wasn't quite sure what to expect.

On the first day I had a little guy dressed in a policeman uniform demand (in the most authoritative voice he could muster) that I "put my hands behind my back" because I was "under arrest." Of course I did as I was told. He led me to the corner where he "locked" me in jail. When I asked him what crime I had committed, he answered, "You made BAD choices!"

The next day a lovely child hurled in front of the classroom door right before dismissal. My reaction was to flee to avoid hurling myself, however the preschoolers desired to cluster around the miserable child and jockey for the best view. Since this incident took place in front of the door, the kids couldn't leave the classroom unless I performed an airlift mission over the vomit into the waiting hands of parents.

On the same day I had helped a little girl put her shoes on. After I tied her laces, she looked up at me and said sweetly, "Thank you, my serf." What 3-year-old knows the word SERF and can actually use it in proper context?

The week ended with one of the students loudly declaring, "My dad only wears Jockeys to bed!" Then the rest of the class began shouting out what their fathers wear to bed (or not) even though I was shouting "no, no" and holding my hands over my ears. Let's just say I won't be looking some of those guys in the eye anymore.

All in all it was a great week. It made me even more anxious to have Spud home.

And anxious to buy WMWM some pajamas.


Annie said...

I bet you are anxious to have him are moving forward now that we are in March. YAY!!!

Loved the recap of your week---I can so relate with my 3rd graders. Out of the mouths of babes!

The Soucys said...

LOLOL! What a the things kids tell about their parents.
My 4th grade hurling of my 4th graders knew he was going to throw up, ran towards the door, didn't make it, and threw up in front of the door. Seconds later, another student came in late, slipped in the throw-up, fell, and was then covered in vomit.
I'm gagging just thinking about it!

LISA said...

Ok, a three year old knew what a serf was??