Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Girl Talk

Surprise -- I’m a liberal! What, you’re NOT surprised? :)

Like many women, I feel torn this year about our democratic field. I am caught up in the optimism of the Obama campaign, yet I’d really love to see a well-qualified woman in the White House.

I continue to be disgusted by commentators who ascribe adjectives to Hillary that would never be applied to a man with a similar forceful personality and ambition.

Take these, for example:

“Her sunshine-colored jackets on the trail hardly disguise the fact that she’s pea-green with envy.” (BTW,who cares about the color of her jackets?)

“After saying she found her “voice” in New Hampshire, she has turned into Sybil.”

“She peevishly and pointlessly complained…”

Seriously, would anyone describe Hillary as green with jealousy if she were a man? As unglued and suffering from a mental disability? As being whiny and nagging?

I know I’m not even close to the first person to complain about this. But what really made me crazy about these particular statements is that they were written by a woman, columnist Maureen Dowd in today’s New York Times. Wouldn’t you think she’d know better?

Then again, maybe I’m just being peevish.

P.S. Here's an interesting post.


Stacie said...

You know I'm an Obama fan, but when they were both interviewed on 60 minutes, I was so irritated at the questions Katie Couric asked Hillary. Like we care about her first kiss with Bill! It was all about dating Bill! I know they ask Obama about his wife sometimes too - but not at all to the extent that they do Hillary. (And, I also notice that many of us refer to them as Hillary and Obama - not Hillary and Barack. I do it too though- just did in this comment.)

Anyway - cheers fellow liberal. I'm feeling the urge to 'come out' as well - was thinking to do it after the nomination is secure. :)

Don't Mess With Mommy said...

Stacie, and what's up with Ellen asking Hllary about "glitter"? Of all the penetrating issues she could have asked about, Ellen comes up with what Hillary will do to protect us from the evils of glitter? I know it was supposed to be a light-hearted moment or whatever, but no one would ever ask a dude about glitter. Sheesh.

Erica said...

I'll plead the 5th on my political standings. Can we still be friends?

Don't Mess With Mommy said...

Erica, nothing could change my love for you! tee hee hee

Children's Hope International said...

I think this is funny, because I was just complaining that someone on the radio referred to her as "Mrs. Clinton". In this sense I found the Mrs. offensive. But naturally they can't just call her Clinton in case she be mistaken for Bill.

Dilemma! But I know what you mean.

Jennifer N.